Teachers Training

Digital skills and tools in language teaching

The suspension of face-to-face education, due to the pandemic, forced teachers, students and families to use digital technologies and see them as learning tools. As the OECD points out, it is more important than ever to mobilise support for innovation, resilience and change in education. For this, we need to find and implement new methodologies and strategies for digital transformation in education.

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Gamification and Escape Room Education in Language Teaching

Digital technologies shape the world and some have great potential in education. But its integration and effectiveness depend on methodological choices, the design of quality teaching material and its operationalisation. Therefore, the teacher must have a broad and consistent knowledge of different participatory methodologies and digital tools, to properly incorporate them in the teaching-learning process. 

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Learning and Teaching Portuguese as a Non-Native Language

The course aims to meet the basic training needs of a diverse group of professionals (teachers, educators and others) who work (or intend to work) in the area of teaching Portuguese as a Non-Mother Tongue (Second Language and Foreign Language). It aims to bring together trainees with different and mutually enriching personal and professional experiences in this area.

However, given its propaedeutic profile, the course is also suitable for anyone who, having met the entry conditions, shows an interest and curiosity in the subjects to be covered.

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