Digital technologies shape the world and some have great potential in education. But its integration and effectiveness depend on methodological choices, the design of quality teaching material and its operationalisation. Therefore, the teacher must have a broad and consistent knowledge of different participatory methodologies and digital tools, to properly incorporate them in the teaching-learning process.
More and more teachers invest in Gamification and Escape Room Education (ERE), to enrich their educational strategies. Students are motivated to act and learn by doing. This kind of activity helps teachers and students in the digital transition and 21st-century skills development, such as problem-solving, developing creativity and imagination, promoting group cohesion and teamwork, and the need to learn to think before acting. It improves school success, as it facilitates students’ immersion in learning. In this sense, Digital Education, a dimension of the Digital Transition Action Plan, appears as a bet of the Ministry of Education in continuing training for digital teacher training. Thus, this training appears aligned with this national design, assuming itself as central to the creation of educational resources based on games and gamification, not only in the teaching of languages in Portugal but also in the particular context of Portuguese Education Abroad.
- Integrate emerging educational technologies into pedagogical practices to promote school success in language learning;
- Recognise principles of game-based and gamification-based learning applied to language teaching;
- Understand concepts, applications and strategies on gamification in education;
- Apply the motivational elements of games in an effective, dynamic and differentiating educational practice;
- Promote the digital transition in education and foster the development of digital teaching skills;
- Identify elements to be considered in the creation of pedagogical games in language teaching;
- Produce digital resources applied to language teaching, with high educational potential, based on the motivational elements present in the games;
- Understand the principles inherent in the design of an Educational Escape Room;
- Create learning scenarios based on educational games and gamification;
- Design an immersive ERE experience through curricular content;
- Develop a variety of digital skills for application in pedagogical practice.
Organization and Methodology
Synchronous sessions (by videoconference): Presentation and exploitation of the contents of theaction – Implementation of theoretical and practical activities and games; Analysis/discussion/reflection of resources created individually or in groups, strategies and methodologies implemented and evaluation of results.
The asynchronous work of discussion and sharing of creative resources will be on the Moodle platform, supervised by the trainer, with large group reflections.
Module 1.
- Carrying out the suggested readings, reflection and sharing in the forum;
- Structuring the digital portfolio on a website;
- Planning of practical activity and exploitation of digital tools and a Canvas model for gamification and ERE;
Module 2.
- Development of practical activity with narrative and challenges for ERE;
- Experimentation, if possible, and critical reflection on the practical application of the strategies/resources and methodologies implemented;
- Drafting a critical report.
25 hours.
Tuition fee
EUR 180 €. In the case of teachers from the network of Portuguese teaching abroad and co-operation agents from Camões, I.P. the cost of the course is 125 €.
Assessment results in a final quantitative classification, on a scale from 1 to 10, expressed through the reference of qualitative mentions provided for in the legislation in force. Passing the course will depend on obtaining a rating equal to or greater than 5 values and on the minimum frequency of 2/3 of the total synchronous and asynchronous hours of the action.
Each trainee will have to draw up a Digital Portfolio with all the resources produced and an individual written document on the action, with a critical opinion on the value of training and the application of learning in the classroom.
The final assessment will be based on the following general items:
- Participation in synchronous sessions (attitudes, quality of interventions and contributions) and asynchronous sessions with reflections in forums and resource design (25 %);
- Digital portfolio and educational resources produced and application of content (60 %);
- Critical reflection report on the very dynamics of participation in training (15 %).