The suspension of face-to-face education, due to the pandemic, forced teachers, students and families to use digital technologies and see them as learning tools. As the OECD points out, it is more important than ever to mobilise support for innovation, resilience and change in education. For this, we need to find and implement new methodologies and strategies for digital transformation in education.
Several studies show how digital technologies can help improve the learning of mother and foreign languages. There are digital tools available to teachers able to support them, both in face-to-face and distance learning. We live in a highly computerised society, so there is a need for investment in teacher training aimed at digital literacy and the pedagogical integration of technology. This training is intended to offer opportunities to foster in the participants their professional and digital development, also contributing to the success of the digital transition plan in education, not only in the teaching of languages in Portugal but also in the particular context of Portuguese Education abroad.
- Fostering the digital and methodological skills of the participants;
- Favour the critical use of ICT as a cross-curriculum tools;
- Promote the reading of the curriculum, starting from the logic of the action and not just the content;
- Manage curricular activities and projects, with support from digital tools;
- Promoting the digital transition in education;
- Create and modify interactive digital presentations;
- Use digital technologies for collaboration and teamwork;
- Develop a variety of digital skills, suitable for the teaching-learning context.
Organization and Methodology
Synchronous sessions (videoconference): Presentation and demonstration of digital themes, resources and tools; Exploitation of the contents of the action – Implementation of theoretical and practical activities; Analysis/discussion/reflection of resources created individually or in groups, strategies and methodologies implemented and evaluation of results.
Asynchronous discussion and resource creation sessions on the Moodle platform, with the supervision of the trainer.
Module 1.
- Carrying out the suggested readings, reflection and sharing in the forum;
- Structuring the digital portfolio on a website;
Module 2.
- Planning of memorable digital activities and resources;
- Construction of digital pedagogical-didactic content in various formats;
Module 3.
- Creation of multimedia resources in audio and video;
- Evaluation and redesign of the activities created and reflection on possible improvement;
- Structuring Digital Portfolio with strategies and products created and sharing knowledge.
25 hours.
Tuition fee
EUR 180.
Assessment results in a final quantitative classification, on a scale from 1 to 10, expressed through the reference of qualitative mentions provided for in the legislation in force. Passing the course will depend on obtaining a rating equal to or greater than 5 values and on the minimum frequency of 2/3 of the total synchronous and asynchronous hours of the action.
Each trainee will have to draw up a Digital Portfolio with all the resources produced and an individual written document on the action, with a critical opinion on the value of training and the application of learning in the classroom.
The final assessment will be based on the following general items:
- Participation in synchronous sessions (attitudes, quality of interventions and contributions) and asynchronous sessions with reflections in forums and resource design (25 %);
- Digital portfolio and educational resources produced and application of content (60 %);
- Critical reflection report on the very dynamics of participation in training (15 %).