DAC Sector: Sanitation
Global aim
To contribute to the reduction of poverty through sustainable human development in the cities of Praia and Bissau, particularly through the improvement of sanitary conditions with capacity building for local authorities to provide these basic services.
Millennium Development Goals

- Goal 1 – Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- IPAD – Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento,
- European Commission,
- Câmara Municipal da Praia,
- Câmara Municipal de Bissau,
- UCCLA - União das Cidades Capitais de LÃngua Portuguesa
- Câmara Municipal da Praia,
- Câmara Municipal de Bissau,
- UCCLA - União das Cidades Capitais de LÃngua Portuguesa
Latest Developments
Financed by the European Union and IPAD, this project is the result of a partnership between the municipalities of Praia and Bissau and UCCLA, the Union of Portuguese-speaking Capital Cities. It is expected that at least 8,500 people will benefit from this project, with a further 7,000 getting drinking water in their homes and 1,500 benefitting from basic sanitation.
In the City of Praia, the project aims to improve the living conditions of residents in the district, in particular the improvement of sanitary conditions for disadvantaged people and a better quality environment through initiatives that provide the population with water and a proper sewage system. This project seeks to resolve the real issues facing the population: more than 41% of households in Praia do not have a bathroom and only 14.6% are connected to the public drainage system.
To date (according to the latest report), 1,544 houses had received water, 53 drainage, 666 had water and electricity meters installed and 948 were connected and currently waiting for meters to be installed, while a further 150 were in the final stages of being connected. The districts benefitting are S. Francisco, Portete, S. Tomé, Achada Grande Frente, Lem Ferreira, Achada Mato, Varzea, Terra Branca (extension), Pensamento, Safende and Calabaceira.
In the city of Bissau, the project aims to improve sanitary conditions in urban and suburban areas and, consequently, improve the conditions, comfort and well-being of the local population. Bissau, initially designed for 50,000 inhabitants, currently has a population that is five times higher and mostly concentrated in neighbouring areas of poorly built dwellings lacking basic services and facilities. This results in a dangerous insalubrity and serious public health problems.
According to the latest report, cleaning campaigns are taking place over the weekend by local teams, conjointly with leaders of local associations and community-based organisations, comprising 100-150 people (especially young people). Organised cleaning and waste collection services have been introduced as part of the Bissau: Clean is Healthy campaign, subject to the availability of equipment (cleaning supplies and facilities, 6 RSU mobile collection units and 2 container vehicles for collections), full training of human resources, together with a dedicated operational model, all to the benefit of the Hafia, Penha/Brá and Plack-1 districts.